“It is what it is”
"Trust in the LORD and do good; Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness" - Psalm 37:3
In Pre-k the children learn to be more responsible for what they say and do. They develop a sense of awareness for the world around them and begin to make choices that impact not only themselves but others as well. We focus on their social environment and also develop their readiness skills through hands on learning whereby they learn essential skills for future years in school.
Something very cool we do as a group in Pre-k is our annual Turkey Trot we hold before Thanksgiving every year. We involve many aspects of learning including reading and writing ( they make race numbers and write their names), physical education ( we develop and practice exercises), following directions, listening skills, and comradeship ( everyone cheers on one another and we all receive participation medals). It’s a fun activity the whole family enjoys!
Greetings Parents
Thank you to all the families for choosing St. Anne’s School. Developing not only a love of learning but doing so in a faith based, loving environment makes it that much more special. We appreciate our families and are excited to meet with parents throughout the year. Our various events held at St. Anne’s is one way we are able to engage with families throughout the year. We welcome any feedback and look forward to meeting with families. We also keep updates to our parents through emails and our class app, ClassDojo. These are some of the ways we keep families apprised of the goings on not only in the school, but in our classrooms as well. Pictures and videos are shared often and it’s a wonderful way to stay connected to your child’s class.
Contact Mrs. Bratichak