If a student is ill, he/she will be sent to the Nurse’s Office. If necessary, the parent or guardian of the child will be contacted to come to get the child or to arrange to have the child brought home by someone else designated to do this. The office must be informed of the person’s name before the child is released. Students are not permitted to call home to request that their parents pick them up. All dismissals of students who are ill are made by the nurse or administration. Parents/or designated person must report to the office before taking the student from school. Any student who fails to adhere to these procedures will be considered illegally absent from class and/or school.
If a parent knows beforehand that his/her child will be absent from school for a prolonged period of time for medical reasons, it is his/her responsibility to notify the school to arrange for work to be sent home or to arrange for a tutor.
Any student returning to school after a serious injury, surgery, or using crutches must have a doctor’s note stating that the student may return to school and/or must use crutches in school.
Under no circumstances are students to carry medication on their person during school hours. If medication must be taken, the parent must deliver the medication to school and supply a note giving the nurse permission to administer the medication and a doctor’s note stating his orders. The medication must be in the original container with the student’s name and prescription on the label. This applies to prescription and over-the-counter medications also.
The school nurse may be reached at 352-1295 and is available to discuss any health needs of a student.