Click Here for Uniform Requirements
Please refer to the Uniform Information link above for detailed information on the required uniform. Only approved uniforms may be worn in school. Ideal Uniforms is the official uniform supplier of Saint Anne’s School.
All shirts, with the exception of the gym and Summer polo shirt, must be tucked inside the uniform at all times.
Parents have the responsibility to see that their children adhere to the uniform requirements and that their children are always clean and presentable. This is a valuable learning opportunity for the child as he/she prepares for the future.
Students are permitted to wear sneakers only on the day that they have gym class or in accordance with the Summer Uniform.
For safety reasons dangling earrings and hoop earrings (larger than a quarter) are not permitted on girls. Boys are not permitted to wear earrings. Only one small necklace is permitted. Hairstyles may not be distracting. No makeup, heavy chains, dyed hair or dark colored nail polish is permitted. Colored bracelets with slogans are not allowed.
The expectation is that all students will be in compliance with our uniform policies throughout the school year. To help us better enforce our school uniform, students in grades 4 through grade 8 who are not in compliance will receive a warning slip from their teacher. After three warning slips, students may be required to spend recess in the main office.
The school gym uniform consists of a gym shirt and shorts, white socks and sneakers. Gym uniforms with the uniform sweat suit or uniform warm-up suit may be worn to school on gym days, instead of the school uniform. Shorts and T-shirts are to be worn under the sweat suit. Only the navy-blue uniform shorts are permitted for gym.
Students not wearing the official gym uniform may be marked unprepared for gym class.
Since it is school policy to recreate out-of-doors on any day when there is no precipitation or when temperatures are not below freezing, it is important for children to come to school dressed according to the demands of the season. Recreation will be held outdoors at recess time and is important for the health of the child.
updated 4/2022